Wednesday 9 February 2011

College Equipment (The Studio)

We have fulll use of the college Photography studio while completing our college courses. The studio is very modern and up to date and is kitted out with a variety of different equipment enabling us to produce a variety of different photography

Shown above is the college studio with a basic lighting setup. The main background is a white moulded wall and floor about 12ft x 8ft  but these can be changed to use various coloured backdrops and customised to suit the photographers needs

The lighting heads that the studio uses are Bowens 500 and 1000 watts. Inside the heads there is a 2 bulb system using a constant modeling light bulb source and a flash bulb source. The heads have controls on the sides and rear of the units with various switch combinations allowing the photographer to dim, brighten and vary the intensity and duration of the flash.They can be connected to a camera directly by a special lead or by using wireless transmitters which consist of a trigger and receiver which are attached to the camera and lighting heads by hot shoe interfaces on the top of the camera and rear of the lighting unit.

Shown in this photo are 4 of the college lighting heads. Two shown hanging from ceiling from adjustable booms and two shown left and right which are kitted out with soft boxes to subdue or defuse the light intensity

I regurlarly use the studio and bring models in to photograph. I controll the main light sources from the lighting heads using various accessories such as "snoots" and "barn doors" and soft boxes. These devices can be adjusted to deflect and localise the light source reaching the subject allowing a photographer to add or subtract the amount of light that they need to reach the subject

This shot shows some of the various deflectors and screens that I use in the studio to deflect,screen and control different lighting effects for my subjects

1 comment:

  1. Hi
    I will be marking the blogs next week can you add your last blogs and any final work as by the end of next week all will be marked.

