Monday 2 May 2011

kew Gardens

Just a few shots from Kew gardens last weekend. 13 squid return on the train and we even had a seat!
Mind you  the train did get struck by lightning on the way back,Scary!

A real hot spring day 27C out doors 36-40 C in the glass houses, so off we went to find some more glass houses, the pubs!! Enjoy


  1. Some very good photographs, nature and macro. Some very interesting shapes and lines in the macro shots. Only problem is the black area in the third photograph, which detracts from a very good shot. Like the reptile shot, just too tight on the feet, but otherwise another very good shot.

    Did you have much of a Kew to get in ?

  2. well well well I was there nice shooting

  3. Cheers bud are you posting any of yours?

  4. love the translucent leaves, did you actually go to Kew or did you just shoot these in Interflora. More landscapes please!
