Sunday 2 January 2011

Photography day out for hands on experience

Here a few shots of a day trip out to Bristol over the Christmas Hols.We regularly organise class day trips out to various locations around the country to gain more experience and a better understanding of photography and using our equipment.

The lighting conditions were dreadfull,very gloomy  grey and overcast. As dark fell we did manage to take a few decent pickies,shown below are some of them.

A nice day out with nice friends 

Night shot of Bristol Docks

Jim borrowed Eric's new fish eye lens,think he over did it

Something strange about them firemen?

6,400 ISO hand held,oh the joys of Digital !

Met these five weirdo's in the docks,think they were performing in a local Pant-ermine

A bit of triv

The bridge is named after "Pero" a slave who lived from around 1753 to 1798, arriving in Bristol probably from the Carribean  Island of Nevis in 1783, as the slave of the merchant John Pinney (1740–1818) at  5 George street.
The bridge is composed of three spans; the two outer ones are fixed and the central section can be raised to provide a navigation channel in the harbour. The most distinctive features of the bridge are the pair of horn-shaped sculptures which act as counterweights for the lifting section, leading it to be commonly known as the Horned Bridge.

Here,s a link so some nice old pickies for Bristol


  1. lol! very funny!.....what happened Jim..did you have a reaction to the pie ??!!!!
    Think you need a day away from your camera dude !!
    nice images Steve, especially like the 1st one with the 'star lights'.

  2. Did Pero have huge ears then?
    Thanks for the help. Yet another memorable

  3. Well, outstanding, have you tried taking pics in the daylight?

  4. No it's always to grey and drab in this country! See you all Thurs. Do you want a lift Suzy?
