Friday 22 October 2010

The Definitive moment

The Definitive Moment

To capture the definitive moment, a photograph must  be technically superior. Elements such as composition, focus and exposure play an important roll in allowing the story to be told. However, sometimes one or more of these elements can be weaker if the others are strong enough to make up for it.
The definitive moment often happens in a split second and always requires a trained eye to recognize and capture it.
Great photographs always capture the definitive moment, and that’s the difference between a good photograph and a great photograph.
A definitive portrait captures the personality of a person, not just what they look like at any given moment, but also who they are. From a portrait, you should be able to learn something about that person.
This also applies to landscape photography,when all the elements are correct,lighting,composition ambiance etc and a little bit of luck

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